August 25, 2024 | 11am - 6pm

Naturalization Ceremony

One of the highlights of One World Day is the naturalization ceremony, where new citizens are sworn in by a U.S. District Court judge.  The ceremony starts at 11 a. m. at the Centennial Peace Plaza on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, across from St. Casimir’s Way.

(Parking for all new citizens and court personnel will be at the Willson School lot at the top of St. Casimir’s Way, at 1126 Ansel Rd. ) Parking passes are required.

The Parade of Flags will follow the Naturalization Ceremony; it steps off at noon with public officials including  City Council Representative Kevin Conwell, County Council Representative Yvonne Conwell, Mayor Bibb and others, marching with Garden delegates,

A welcoming ceremony follows the parade at the CENTENNIAL PEACE PLAZA and main stage performances will follow.

Welcoming ceremony:

1:15 p.m. Posting of Colors

1:20 p.m. National Anthem


Dr. Wael Khoury, president
Cleveland Cultural Gardens Federation

Information on special guests coming soon.