August 25, 2024 | 11am - 6pm

Passport to Peace

The Passport to Peace has been a wonderful tool to encourage people to visit the individual gardens and to learn about the different cultures represented. Originally, it was meant to be given to youngsters but we found that everyone, young and old, wants to get in on the fun!

Travel around the world at the Cleveland Cultural Gardens at the 78th annual One World Day on Aug. 25. Pick up a copy of your Passport to Peace at the welcoming booth at Peace Garden of the Nations, at the north end of MLK, or at the information booth, and visit the gardens. After completion of a small educational activity, like learning how to say hello in a foreign language, you will receive a stamp or sticker at each of the Gardens. See how many you can collect throughout your visit! Youth ages 16 and under can pick up a prize at the Federation booth for completed passports while supplies last.